Tekst piosenki: Remind Me To Forget You Seafret

Seafret - Remind Me To Forget You

Tekst piosenki Remind Me To Forget You

Standing in the dark, I'm bleeding
Dagger to the heart, I'm sinking
You know I don't let go easily
Searching for the high, feels reckless
I don't wanna die, not like this
My ghost is someone I don't wanna meet

I wasn't ready for the truth
God, I hate how much I love you

Ooh, don't say nothing, I can hear the silence
Constantly reminded, reminded to forget you
Ooh, don't say nothing, I can live without it
All the memories and the bad days
Remind me to forget you

Remind me to forget you

Strangers in the night, you haunt me
It was never right, if only
We could travel backwards to the time
The flowers used to grow, remember
The river shining gold, you told me
We're both gonna grow old side by side

I wasn't ready for the truth
God, I hate how much I love you

Ooh, don't say nothing, I can hear the silence
Constantly reminded, reminded to forget you
Ooh, don't say nothing, I can live without it
All the memories and the bad days
Remind me to forget you
Remind me to forget you

This feels like something we can never recover
From when we were lovers, now we're just ghosts in the wind
This situation's got me running for cover
But I'm still alive, I'm still alive

Ooh, don't say nothing, I can hear the silence
Constantly reminded, reminded to forget you
Ooh, don't say nothing, I can live without it
All the memories and the bad days
Remind me to forget you
Remind me to forget you

Seafret - Remind Me To Forget You tekst piosenki

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Remind Me To Forget You

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Remind Me To Forget You

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Remind Me To Forget You
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Remind Me To Forget You tekst piosenki Seafret
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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