Seafret - Pictures
Tekst piosenki Pictures
[Verse 1]I take pictures with my mind
I know I'm gonna miss this time of my life
In a year, your face will change
'Cause nothing stays the same
We're perfect at this age
I will miss these golden years one day
I will wish these golden days
Would stay for a while
'Cause I love to see you smile
[Verse 2]
Never want this day to end
The sunlight on your skin
Your fingers in my hand
Every night, I hold you close
Make sure you always know
That I love you the most
I will miss these golden years onе day
I will wish these golden days
Would stay for a whilе
'Cause I love to see you smile
May sound crazy, but it's true
Every moment here with you
I feel happier
Makes me happier
When the memory starts to fade
I'll remember golden days
And feel happier
And feel happier
La, la-la-la-la-la-la
I will miss these golden years one day
I will wish these golden days
Would stay for a while
'Cause I love to see you smile
I take pictures with my mind
I know I'm gonna miss
This time of my life
Seafret - Pictures tekst piosenki
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