Tekst piosenki: Hollow Seafret

Seafret - Hollow

Tekst piosenki Hollow

This is our final moment
One chance to say it all
I knew this time was coming
Chose not to hear the call
I can't imagine a world now without you here

You were my one and only
I couldn't love you more
Wish we could keep on running
Go back to like before
When you took hold of my hand I let go of the fear

Like trying to breathe for the first time without any air
Without you every step I climb just leads to nowhere
I close my eyes and wish we could disappear, just run

Anywhere from here, anywhere from here

I just fall in and I fall out
Must be something that can turn this around
You keep me falling and there's
Nowhere to go
Because a life without your love
Is hollow

Just give me one more moment
I'll tell you everything
I'll lay my heart wide open
I swear I'll let you in
A million reasons you should stay
I'll make them clear

Like trying to breathe for the first time without any air
Without you every step I climb just leads to nowhere
I close my eyes and wish we could disappear, just go
Anywhere from here, anywhere from here

I just fall in and I fall out
Must be something that can turn this around
You keep me falling and there's
Nowhere to go
Because a life without your love
Is hollow

Night after night
You know it keeps me awake
I can't believe we threw it all away
I'm scared to death there's someone else in my place
Wish I could find the words to make you stay

I know we, fall in and we fall out
But there's still time
We can turn it around
You keep me falling and there's nowhere to go
Because a life without your love is hollow

Stay, stay til the morning
I couldn't want you
Anymore than I do

Seafret - Hollow tekst piosenki

Seafret - Hollow tekstowo Hollow Seafret Hollow słowa

Teledysk do piosenki

Kadr z teledysku Hollow tekst piosenki Seafret
Źródło: tekstowo.pl




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