Tekst piosenki Twisted Mind
Twisted baby
Are you twisted like me?
Oh, baby, in this very moment everything seems to come alive
I could stay in this zone with you forever
(Wrong or right)
Everything falls into place when I look into your eyes
You're such a crazy wild bird and you taste like summer
You got a twisted mind and so do I
So go ahead, honey, mess me up
We are the same nature, two of a kind
That keeps coming back for more
You got a twisted mind and so do I
So go ahead, honey, mess me up
We are the same nature, two of a kind
That keeps coming back for more
Hot stuff, baby, dynamite, you
Blow my mind
Come and light me up, impress me
(We can go all night)
You got a twisted mind and so do I
So go ahead, honey, mess me up
We are the same nature, two of a kind
That keeps coming back for more
You got a twisted mind and so do I
So go ahead, honey, mess me up
We are the same nature, two of a kind
That keeps coming back for more
We can go all night
You got a twisted mind, twisted mind
We can go all night
Just like me, yeah
We can go
Go all night, yeah
We can go all night
Yes, we can
We can go all night
You got a twisted mind and so do I
So go ahead, honey, mess me up
We are the same nature, two of a kind
That keeps coming back for more
You got a twisted mind and so do I
So go ahead, honey, mess me up
We are the same nature, two of a kind
That keeps coming back for more
We can go all night
You got a twisted mind, twisted mind
We can go all night
You got a twisted mind, twisted mind
Agnes & Purple Disco Machine - Twisted Mind tekst piosenki
Purple Disco Machine & Agnes - Twisted Mind tekstowo Twisted Mind Purple Disco Machine Twisted Mind słowaTeledysk do piosenki
Twisted Mind
Twisted Mind Ulubioną piosenką?
Zobacz więcej tekstów piosenek, które wykonuje
Purple Disco Machine,Agnes
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Twisted Mind
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Twisted Mindtakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć
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