Tekst piosenki Pretty Little Devil
[Verse 1]Pretty Little Devil
Liar, deceiver
False prophet
Blood wicked ain't no preacher
I feel the devil all around ya, purging
The devils all around ya
Feel him lurking
[Verse 2]
Pretty little devil
Liar and cheater
A cold-hearted
Blood-sucking little leecher
Oh, I should've knew
You're not good for me
Our blood
Bleed it all the same
Baby, I already know
Tell me that you love me, baby
I know that you don't
Lighting up a cigarette
Baby, I don't even smoke
Driving ninety down the highway
Just to see how fast I go
Monstеr, oh, you turn me into a monster
Lord, protect mе from the wicked
Monster, oh, you turn me into a monster
Lord, protect me from the wicked
[Verse 3]
Let me let them know your name
Let me let them know the pain
Sacrifices you made
Won't let them be in vain
Lord, it's your world
We're just spinning in it
Lord, it's your world
We're just living in it
[Bridge/Chorus (Reprise)]
Don't you tell me how to feel, I'mma feel my way
Yahweh died on the cross
Rose on the third day
Lord, it's your world
We're just spinning in it
Lord, it's your world
We're just living in it
Bless those you cursed
Bless those you hurt
Death to your sin
Gather the church
[Instrumental Outro]
Shaya Zamora - Pretty Little Devil Tekst piosenki
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Pretty Little Devil
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Pretty Little Devil
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