Tekst piosenki: Paragliding Michael Patrick Kelly

Michael Patrick Kelly - Paragliding

Tekst piosenki Paragliding

I, I can hear you sigh
Why is this goodbye?
The colour's fading out
No, no more tears to cry
In your diamond eyes
The battle's over now

Floating like a ribbon
To a new beginning
Waiting in the afterglow
Go on your expedition
Find what you've been missing


Out of the dark into the light
Into a new horizon
On your way to the other side
I know your soul is rising
And now you're para-paragliding, gliding
Oh what a sky to dive in, dive in
Now you're para-paragliding, gliding
I see a silver lining

Fly like a firefly
With all the stars aligned
Soaring above the clouds
No, there's no space and time
Where night and day collide
You're off to higher grounds

To your destination
Yeah, the safest haven
Waiting in the afterglow
Go on your expedition
Find what you've been missing


Out of the dark into the light
Into a new horizon
On your way to the other side
I know your soul is rising
And now you're para-paragliding, gliding
Oh what a sky to dive in, dive in
Now you're para-paragliding, gliding
I see a silver lining

Carry me, carry me, carry me in your arms
Carry me, carry me, carry me in your arms
Oh cover me, cover me, cover me with your wings

Out of the dark into the light
Into a new horizon
Now that you're on the other side
A midnight sun is rising
And now you're para-paragliding, gliding
Oh what a sky to dive in, dive in
Now you're para-paragliding, gliding
I see a silver lining

Carry me, carry me, carry me in your arms

Michael Patrick Kelly - Paragliding tekst piosenki

Michael Patrick Kelly - Paragliding tekstowo Paragliding Michael Patrick Kelly Paragliding słowa

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Kadr z teledysku Paragliding tekst piosenki Michael Patrick Kelly
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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