Tekst piosenki: Best Bad Friend Michael Patrick Kelly feat. Rea Garvey

Michael Patrick Kelly - Best Bad Friend (feat. Rea Garvey)

Tekst piosenki Best Bad Friend

My best bad friend
My best bad friend

No, I can't sugar-coat this, you are totally hopeless
No good for nothing, you know
You're so wild and reckless, gonna get us arrested
Oh, you're a lovable rogue
You're late and you're lazy
Chronically maybe
But not when it comes to what counts
When I'm runnin' for cover, you're there like a brother

When I'm down
Down on my luck and it just can't wait
Who do I call?
My best bad friend
Who could be up, be up this late?
No one at all
But my best bad friend
Do it, I'd do it, I'd do it, I'd do it for you
I'd do it, I'd do it, I'd do it for you (When I'm down)
When I'm on my luck and it just can't wait
Who do I call?
My best bad friend

My best bad friend
My best bad friend

You think you're a rock-star, but you're only a pop-star
Guess you're loving this trouble we're in
Yeah, they wanted to jail ya, and I had to bail ya
Though I know you're guilty as sin (I know)
But I'm not gonna judge ya, 'cause I'm not above ya
And I know you're there when it counts
When I'm runnin' for cover, you're there like a brother

When I'm down
Down on my luck and it just can't wait
Who do I call?
My best bad friend
Who could be up, be up this late?
No one at all
But my best bad friend
Do it, I'd do it, I'd do it, I'd do it for you
I'd do it, I'd do it, I'd do it for you (When I'm down)
When I'm on my luck and it just can't wait
Who do I call?
My best bad friend

My best bad friend
My best bad friend

Mon ami, mon ami, mon amigo
Mon ami, mon ami, mon amigo
Mon ami, mon ami, mon amigo
I'd do it, I'd do it, I'd do it for you

Mon ami, mon ami, mon amigo
Mon ami, mon ami, mon amigo
Mon ami, mon ami, mon amigo
You know I'd do it, I'd do it, I'd do it for you

Down on my luck and it just can't wait
Who do I call?
My best bad friend
Who could be up, be up this late?
No one at all
But my best bad friend
Do it, I'd do it, I'd do it, I'd do it for you
I'd do it, I'd do it, I'd do it for you (When I'm down)
When I'm on my luck and it just can't wait
Who do I call? My best bad friend

My best bad friend
My best bad friend

Rea Garvey & Michael Patrick Kelly - Best Bad Friend tekst piosenki

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Best Bad Friend

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Best Bad Friend

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Kadr z teledysku Best Bad Friend tekst piosenki Michael Patrick Kelly feat. Rea Garvey
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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