Tekst piosenki: Blurry Eyes Michael Patrick Kelly

Michael Patrick Kelly - Blurry Eyes

Tekst piosenki Blurry Eyes

I can see a thousand doubts
Written on your face right now
Your reflection fading in and out
Lately it's been getting you down

You tell me you're okay
But your voice don't match the words you said
I hate that you're pushing me away
Fighting so hard to take a breath


Oh love, when the river runs dry
It's hard to see through blurry eyes
Don't say you're not strong enough

To let me love you just the way you are
Oh love, when the river runs high
It's hard for me to watch you cry
Don't say you're not strong enough
To let me love you just the way you are

So distant when you're next to me
Hiding all I wanna see
The silence in the air we breathe
Echoing so hopelessly

I called you yesterday
And your voice didn't match the words you said
I hate you keep pushing me away
Fighting so hard not to break


Oh love, when the river runs dry
It's hard to see through blurry eyes
Don't say you're not strong enough
To let me love you just the way you are
Oh love, when the river runs high
It's hard for me to watch you cry
Don't say you're not strong enough
To let me love you just the way you are<br />
All through the highs and the lows
When you were drowning in shallow waters
I held you close
Oh when you feel all alone
And it's weighing heavy on your shoulders
I hope you know

Oh love, when the river runs dry
It's hard to see through blurry eyes
Don't say you're not strong enough
To let me love you just the way you are
Oh love, when the river runs high
It's hard for me to watch you cry
Don't say you're not strong enough
To let me love you just the way you are

Oh love, the way you are
Don't say you're not strong enough
To let me love you just the way you are

Michael Patrick Kelly - Blurry Eyes tekst piosenki

Michael Patrick Kelly - Blurry Eyes tekstowo Blurry Eyes Michael Patrick Kelly Blurry Eyes słowa

Teledysk do piosenki
Blurry Eyes

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Blurry Eyes
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Blurry Eyes tekst piosenki Michael Patrick Kelly
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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