Tekst piosenki: Stand By Me Lil Durk

Tekst piosenki Stand By Me

[Intro: Lil Durk]

[Chorus: Morgan Wallen, Lil Durk]
If tomorrow I lost it all
And everything that I have was gone
When there's nobody else to call
Would you stand by me, would you stand by me?
When the world tries to keep me down (When the world tryna keep me down)
And there's nobody else around (And there's nobody else around)
Keep it real, can you tell me now? (Tell me now)
Would you stand by me, would you stand by me? (Oh yeah)

[Verse 1: Lil Durk]
I don't know why they be playin' with me
I lose it all, you stayin' with me
Amsterdam, I skipped the red district
She love my dawg, but he bad business
I could've been in the bed with you
I decided to hang with some bad bitches
Gave me another chance to prove, but she ain't playin' with me
I'm so sorry for that
Can I explain? Just give me a second
You showed me love and I'll never forget it
Say you don't got it, they think you dramatic
Loyalty, baby, that shit automatic
Brought me to tears, my bro for years
Told me no, say he ain't got it
Ran it up and I ain't panic

[Pre-Chorus: Lil Durk]
How you gon' ride for me? You don't switch no sides with me (Yeah)
I need your honesty, no, baby, don't lie to me (Yeah, yeah)
Are you gonna stand ten toes? You supposed to give time to me (Yeah)
Baby, when shit get real, I need your loyalty

[Chorus: Morgan Wallen, Lil Durk]
If tomorrow I lost it all
And everything that I have was gone
When there's nobody else to call
Would you stand by me, would you stand by me?
When the world tries to keep me down (When the world tryna keep me down)
And there's nobody else around (And there's nobody else around)
Keep it real, can you tell me now? (Tell me now)
Would you stand by me, would you stand by me? (Oh yeah)

[Verse 2: Morgan Wallen]
What if it all goes south, I get ran out of town
For good this time, would you still wanna
Wanna hold my hand, let me be your man
Let me drive you crazy, are you still gonna
Be somebody I can lean on
And be somebody I can dream on all night
The kind of flame I wanna leave on
If you ain't tryna be that, then be gone

[Chorus: Morgan Wallen, Lil Durk]
If tomorrow I lost it all
And everything that I have was gone
When there's nobody else to call
Would you stand by me, would you stand by me?
When the world tries to keep me down (When the world tryna keep me down)
And there's nobody else around (And there's nobody else around)
Keep it real, can you tell me now? (Tell me now)
Would you stand by me? Would you stand by me? (Yeah)

[Post-Chorus: Lil Durk, Morgan Wallen]
Would you stand by me, would you stand by me? (Oh yeah)
Would you stand by me, would you stand by me? (Yeah)

[Outro: Lil Durk]
How you gon' ride for me? You don't switch no sides with me (Yeah)
I need your honesty, no, baby, don't lie to me (Yeah, yeah)
Are you gonna stand ten toes? You supposed to give time to me (Yeah)
Baby, when shit get real, I need your loyalty

Lil Durk - Stand By Me Tekst piosenki

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