Tekst piosenki: Blue Jeans Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans

Tekst piosenki Blue Jeans

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Blue jeans, white shirt
Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn
It was like, James Dean - for sure
You so fresh to death and sick as ca-cancer
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop
But you fit me better than my favorite sweater, and I know
That love is mean, and love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in December, oh baby!

I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more, than those b*tches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember

I will love you till the end of time

Big dreams, gangster
Said you had to leave to start your life over
I was like, "no please, stay here
We don't need no money we can make it all work"
But he headed out on Sunday, said he'd come home Monday
I stayed up waitin', anticipatin' and pacin'
But he was chasing paper
Caught up in the game, that was the last I heard

I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more, than those b*tches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you till the end of time

You went out every night, and baby that's alright
I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side
Cause I'm a ride or die, whether you fail or fly
Well shit, at least you tried.
But when you walked out that door, a piece of me died
I told you I wanted more, but that's not what I had in mind
I just want it like before, we were dancin' all night
Then they took you away, stole you out of my life
You just need to remember...

I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more, than those b*tches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you till the end of time


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Blue Jeans

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Kadr z teledysku Blue Jeans tekst piosenki Lana Del Rey
piosenki Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey poznasz i zrozumiesz dzięki tłumaczeniu Blue Jeans a jak zobaczysz teledysk Blue Jeans słowa innych śpiewanych utworów Lana Del Rey teksty przeczytać albo i wydrukować zapragniesz i fajnie.Znajdziesz odpowiedzi na pytania: Kiedy premiera piosenki Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey? Z jakiego albumu pochodzi piosenka Blue Jeans? Kto wyprodukował Blue Jeans? Kto napisał tekst piosenki Blue Jeans Lana Del Rey? ale na pytanie Kiedy niedziela handlowa w listopadzie to już raczej nie, za to teksty piosenek o listopadzie już jak najbardziej albo ogólniej piosenki o jesieni a po angielsku jesień to Autumn, halo czy jest tu jakaś jesieniara co uwielbia jak z drzew spadają kolorowe liście? A może to już czas odpalać Last Christmas !?