Hollywood Undead - California Dreaming
Tekst piosenki California Dreaming
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[Verse 1: J-Dog, Funny Man]
Like a sink hole
(Like a sink hole)
Stars are born then fucking made up and Undead slow
What does it show?
(What does it show?)
C-c-cut up all the tethers to your lost soul
Think I'm 'bout to die on a dotted line
Then it's beef, cut throats on a short lie
It ain't a fucking crime, for taking back what's mine
Los Angeles, we on a front line
Click-click-boom, let them fall
Lining them up with a semi-matic auto
Hear the call, hear the call
Hop in the whip to tip it straight then I'm out though
When I do it like this with a wiffle ball bat
Surf's up, bitches, and it's like that
Hollywood coming to attack
[Hook - Danny]
I'm no shooting star
Just a burning heart
We never sleep
In California, we're dreaming
Running through the dark
Broken boulevards
We never sleep
In California, we're dreaming
In California, we're dreaming
[Verse 2: Johnny 3 Tears, Funny Man]
I'mma get it now, Armageddon now
Coked out, skeletons, come back down
Break them down, gotta break them down
Broke down Ford lights, sing so loud
The greatest story ever told, the greatest five ever known
Dead man walking, audition for the big show
It's biblical, social cynical
In the land of make believe the situation's critical
Sinking to the ocean lies some martyrs that are pinnacle
Yeah, I'm just a vision but my wings are fucking literal
As above, so below
You wanna go to heaven but you sold your soul
Dying young, I'm going cold
Cut yourself a bunch so you don't grow old
We're living in denial but we're doing it in style
Out here in California, it's a trial by fire.
[Hook - Danny]
I'm no shooting star
Just a burning heart
We never sleep
In California, we're dreaming
Running through the dark
Broken boulevards
We never sleep
In California, we're dreaming
In California, we're dreaming
[Chorus:Danny, Charlie Scene]
It's the future tension, hidden in the question
Underneath the dreams I hold
I can see rejection in my own reflection
I can feel my dreams grow cold
[Hook - Danny]
I'm no shooting star
Just a burning heart
We never sleep
In California, we're dreaming
Running through the dark
Broken boulevards
We never sleep
In California, we're dreaming
In California, we're dreaming
In California...
(In California, we're dreaming)
In California, we're dreaming
(In California, we're dreaming)
In California...
Hollywood Undead - California Dreaming tekst piosenki
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California Dreaming
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