Frances Black - Blue Old Saturday Night
Tekst piosenki Blue Old Saturday Night
I can hear the sound of your footsteps
Walking down the hall
And the echo of the doors that slammed
Shook a picture off the wall
You start the car up in the drive outside
You hit the pedal and you're gone
And if leaving me seems oh so easy
Why bother coming home
Oh! The blue old Saterday night
My baby's left me in tears again
Oh! The blue old Saterday night
I'm on the rocks and he's rolling again
Oh how you hate the sound of raised voices
How yours would raise when I'd start to cry
And the trembling lips and the trembling fingers
Stretched out to you would make your temper fly
Well I can't live here in this grey, grey world
Too afraid to speak my mind
If leaving me means so little to you
Then coming back is just a lie
Oh! The blue old Saterday night
My baby's left me in tears again
Oh! The blue old Saterday night
I'm on the rocks and he's rolling again
When you get home and the lights are all out
You'll fumble in the doorway till you turn them on
You'll stumble to the bedroom but the bed will be empty
You'll look around the house and you'll find me gone
And you'll remember all those silent moments
They'll be ringing in your ears
There won't be voices raised tonight
But maybe there'll be tears
Oh! The blue old Saterday night
Your baby's left you in tears again
Oh! The blue old Saterday night
You're on the rocks and I'm rolling away
Oh! The blue old Saterday night
Your baby's left you in tears again
Oh! The blue old Saterday night
You're on the rocks and I'm rolling away
Frances Black - Blue Old Saturday Night tekst piosenki
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