Tekst piosenki: Name In Lights BANNERS

Tekst piosenki Name In Lights

[Verse 1]
You're like no film I've seen before
I can't wait for what's in store
Yeah, it's undeniable
What you're gonna be
And it may feel like you don't fit
In the mould they put you in
You gotta take it on the chin
And get up again

Come on, baby, you're doing fine
Just be yourself and you're gonna shine
When they sell tickets to your life
I'll be the first in line

They're gonna put your name in lights

[Verse 2]
And when the lion starts to roar
You're gonna leave them wanting more
Likе a preacher to the floor
Singing hallеlujah (Hallelujah)
From Times Square to Tokyo
Everybody's gonna know
I can't wait to watch you go
And say that I knew ya

Come on, baby, you're doing fine
Just be yourself and you're gonna shine
When they sell tickets to your life
I'll be the first in line
They're gonna put your name in lights

And there'll be times you don't get it right
You don't know your left, you don't know your right
But you need the dark to see the light
And it doesn't matter what you do
Just make it real, just make it true
Trust yourself 'cause you got you

When they sell tickets to your life
I'll be the first in line
They're gonna put your name in lights
(Come on, baby)
(Come on, come on, come on)
When they sell tickets to your life
I'll be the first in line
They're gonna put your name in lights
They're gonna put your name in lights

BANNERS - Name In Lights Tekst piosenki

BANNERS - Name In Lights Тексти пісень Name In Lights BANNERS - Name In Lights tekstowo Name In Lights BANNERS Name In Lights słowa BANNERS - Name In Lights Text

Teledysk do piosenki
Name In Lights

Kadr z teledysku Name In Lights tekst piosenki BANNERS




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