Tekst piosenki: In Your Universe BANNERS

BANNERS - In Your Universe

Tekst piosenki In Your Universe

[Verse 1]
From the second I saw you, I've been falling
In that space between that moment and the ground
My on-fire imagination, your constellation
Is the only thing I think of now

I felt your light run through me
Now I’m dying to be

Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere
In your universe, in your universe
Just wanna be somewhere, somewhere, somewhere
In your universe, in your universe

[Verse 2]
Well, I don't need to be your, your star in the centre
I just wanna circle 'round your world from time to time
Oh, darling, if I could just hold you, I’d give it all to just know you
Leave it behind in a second as long as you're there

[Pre-Chorus 2]
I don't care, just wanna be

Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere
In your universe, in your universe
Just wanna be somewhere, somewhere, somewhere
In your universe, in your universe

I crashed back down and breathing hurts
My heart's a million miles away from Earth
In your universe
Oh-ooh, ah-aah, ah-ah-aah
In your universe

I just want, just wanna be there
Just want, just wanna be there
Just wanna be somewhere in your universe

I felt your light run through me
Now I'm dying to be

Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere
In your universe, in your universe
I wanna be somewhere, somewhere, somewhere
In your universe, oh, your universe

Oh-ooh, ah-aah, ah-ah-aah
Oh, I love you in all that you're worth
There's a whole universe in your eyes
Oh, I love you in all that you're worth
There’s a whole universe in your eyes
Oh, I love you in all that you’re worth
There's a whole universe in your eyes

I just want, just wanna be there
Just want, just wanna be there
Just wanna be somewhere in your universe

BANNERS - In Your Universe tekst piosenki

BANNERS - In Your Universe tekstowo In Your Universe BANNERS In Your Universe słowa

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In Your Universe

Kadr z teledysku In Your Universe tekst piosenki BANNERS
Źródło: tekstowo.pl




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