Tekst piosenki: If I Didn’t Have You BANNERS

BANNERS - If I Didn't Have You

Tekst piosenki If I Didn’t Have You

I've been building a house
I filled it with all the things that I could live without
I've been thinking about
How the walls come down
And the ceiling crashed around my feet
Broken on the ground
Was nothing that really mattered to me
Yeah Yeah

And now I see that it's you I needed all along
Maybe I'm too late and don't it always seems to go
I'll be breaking in two
I don't know what I'd do

If I didn't have you
If I didn't have you
Thought I had nothing to lose
But that's not the truth
I don't know what I'd do
If I didn't have you

Even as the words came out
As they fall I wanna take them back
I know I let you down
And it's all that I've been thinking about
I get I messed it up
Like I was far too close to see
Now I know that this
Is all that rеally matters to me
Yeah Yеah

And now I see that it's you I needed all along
Maybe I'm too late and don't it always seems to go
I'll be breaking in two
I don't know what I'd do

If I didn't have you
If I didn't have you
Thought I had nothing to lose
But that's not the truth
I don't know what I'd do
If I didn't have you

I swear times so slow now I
Face it on my own and I
Can't do this alone if I
If I didn't
Say I'm sorry love cos I
Made you feel like
Like I could survive

If I didn't have you
If I didn't have you
Thought I had nothing to lose
But that's not the truth
I don't know what I'd do
If I didn't have you

If I didn't have you
If I didn't have you
Thought I had nothing to lose
But that's not the truth
I don't know what I'd do
If I didn't have you

If I didn't have you
If I didn't have you
If I didn't have you
If I didn't have you

BANNERS - If I Didn’t Have You tekst piosenki

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Teledysk do piosenki
If I Didn't Have You

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If I Didn’t Have You

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki If I Didn’t Have You
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku If I Didn’t Have You tekst piosenki BANNERS
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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