Tekst piosenki: My Bad The Chainsmokers & Shenseea

The Chainsmokers & Shenseea - My Bad

Tekst piosenki My Bad

[Verse 1: Andrew Taggart]
I know we set rules, but what can I do?
I think of your body when I'm back in my room
Maybe I'm confused, you're giving me clues
Alone with my thoughts and now they're all about you

[Pre-Chorus: Shenseea]
Don't go thinking like that, don't go thinking like that
Don't go thinking like that, you know I want you so ba-bad
Don't go thinking like that, don't go thinking like that

[Chorus: Andrew Taggart]
My bad
I didn't mean to fall in love like that
And you don't even have to say it back

I didn't mean to fall in love like that
My bad

[Post-Chorus: Shenseea & Andrew Taggart]
Don't go thinking like that, don't go thinking like that
Don't go thinking like that, you know I want you so ba-bad
Don't go thinking like that, don't go thinking like that (My bad)

[Verse 2: Shenseea]
I know what we said, sometimes I forget
When I'm around you, you just have that effect on me
It's hard to be friends only, I just want your hands on me
Tired of talking, want your lips on my neck

[Pre-Chorus: Shenseea]
Don't go thinking like that, don't go thinking like that
Don't go thinking like that, you know I want you so ba-bad
Don't go thinking like that, don't go thinking like that

[Chorus: Andrew Taggart & Shenseea]
My bad
I didn't mean to fall in love like that
And you don't even have to say it back
I didn't mean to fall in love like that
My bad
My bad
I didn't mean to fall in love like that
And you don't even have to say it back
I didn't mean to fall in love like that
My bad

[Post-Chorus: Shenseea, Shenseea & Andrew Taggart]
Don't go thinking like that (I didn't mean to fall in love)
Don't go thinking like that, you know I want you so ba-bad
Don't go thinking like that (I didn't mean to fall in love)
Like that, my bad

The Chainsmokers & Shenseea - My Bad tekst piosenki

The Chainsmokers & Shenseea - My Bad tekstowo My Bad The Chainsmokers & Shenseea My Bad słowa

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My Bad

Kadr z teledysku My Bad tekst piosenki The Chainsmokers & Shenseea
Źródło: tekstowo.pl




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