Tekst piosenki: Sick Boy The Chainsmokers

The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy

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Tekst piosenki Sick Boy

[Verse 1]
I'm from the East side of America
Where we choose pride over character
And we can pick sides but this is us, this is us, this is
I live on the West side of America
Where they spin lies into fairy dust
And we can pick sides, but this is us, this is us, this is

And don't believe the narcissism
When everyone projects
And expects you to listen to 'em
Make no mistake, I live in a prison
That I build myself, it is my religion
And they say that I am the sick boy

Easy to say, when you don't take the risk, boy
Welcome to the narcissism
We're united under our indifference

And I'm from the East side of America
Where we desensitize by hysteria
And we can pick sides, but this is us, this is us, this is
I live on the West side of America
Where they spin lies into fairy dust
And we can pick sides, but this is us, this is us, this is

I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
They say that I am the sick boy
They say that I am the sick boy
And they call me the sick boy

And don't believe the narcissism
When everyone projects
And expects you to listen to 'em
Make no mistake, I live in a prison
That I build myself, it is my religion
And they say that I am the sick boy
Easy to say, when you don't take the risk, boy
Welcome to the narcissism
We're united under our indifference

Feed yourself with my life's work
How many likes is my life worth?
Feed yourself with my life's work
How many likes is my life worth?
Feed yourself with my life's work
How many likes is my life worth?
Feed yourself on my life's work
How many likes is my life worth?

And I'm from the East side of America
I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
I live on the West side of America
I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
And I'm from the East side of America
They say that I am the sick boy
I live on the West side of America
They call me the sick boy
I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
They say that I am the sick boy
They call me the sick boy

The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy tekst piosenki

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Sick Boy

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Sick Boy

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Sick Boy
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Sick Boy tekst piosenki The Chainsmokers


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