Måneskin - The Driver
Tekst piosenki The Driver
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The Driver po polsku 🇵🇱 »
Hot like summer
Give me your eyes, don't twist knife
Put me under your spell
Then hide the crime
Lay your soul 'til it's naked
Bite my lip 'til you break it
Steal my heart, get it wasted
Tied to this love
If you're gonna set fire to the night
Baby, let me be the lighter
If you're already high and you wanna fly
I'll be the hit that takes you higher
If you wanna love when you touch the sky
You can be my midnight rider
If there's nowhere to go and you wanna go wild
I wanna be the driver
Make me helpless
Tie me down and use your rope
Made of velvet
Then turn the lights down low
Lay your soul 'til it's naked
Bite my lips 'til you break it
Steal my heart, get it wasted
Tied to this love
If you're gonna set fire to the night
Baby, let me be the lighter
If you're already high and you wanna fly
I'll be the hit that takes you higher
If you wanna love when you touch the sky
You can be my midnight rider
If there's nowhere to go and you wanna go wild
I wanna be the driver
If you're gonna set fire to the night
Baby, let me be the lighter
If you're already high and you wanna fly
I'll be the hit that takes you higher
If you wanna love when you touch the sky
You can be my midnight rider
If there's nowhere to go and you wanna go wild
I wanna be the driver
Måneskin - The Driver tekst piosenki
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The Driver
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The Driver
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