Tekst piosenki: MAMMAMIA Måneskin

Tekst piosenki MAMMAMIA

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[Verse 1]
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, mamma mia, ma-ma-mamma mia, ah
I feel the heat up, uh, I feel the beat of drums
Call the police, I'll do it, they've stolen all my fun
I'm breaking free, but I'm stuck in a police car
Oh, mamma mia, ma-ma-mamma mia, ah
They treat me like if I did something criminal
All eyes on me, I feel like I'm a superstar
I'm not a freak, I just thought it was carnival

Oh, mamma-mamma mia, spit your love on me
I'm on my knees and I can't wait to drink your rain
I'll keep the secret if you let me get a taste

Tell me your limit, I will cross the line again
Oh, mamma-mamma mia

[Verse 2]
Oh, mamma mia, ma-ma-mamma mia, ah
You wanna touch my body, I say you're not allowed
You wanna handle me, but I'm a bit too much
I'll burn all the place down, 'cause I'm too fucking hot
Oh, mamma mia, ma-ma-mamma mia, ah
They wanna arrest me, but I was just having fun
I swear that I'm not drunk and I'm not taking drugs
They ask me why I'm so hot, 'cause I'm italiano

Oh, mamma-mamma mia, spit your love on me
I'm on my knees and I can't wait to drink your rain
I'll keep the secret if you let me get a taste
Tell me your limit and we'll cross the line again
Oh, mamma-mamma mia

Give me a command and I'll do what you ask
'Cause my favorite music's your, "Ah, ah"
Give me a command and I'll do what you ask
'Cause my favorite music's your, "Ah, ah"
Give me a command and I'll do what you ask
'Cause my favorite music's your, "Ah, ah"
Give me a command and I'll do what you ask
'Cause I love when you sing out loud

Oh, mamma-mamma mia, spit your love on me
I'm on my knees and I can't wait to drink your rain
I'll keep the secret if you let me get a taste
Tell me your limit, I will cross the line again
Oh, mamma-mamma mia

Spit your love on me
Spit your love on me
Spit your love on me
Spit your love on me
Spit your love on me
Oh, mamma-mamma mia

Måneskin - Mammamia Tekst piosenki

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