Tekst piosenki: Reverse Cowgirl Jon Pardi

Jon Pardi - Reverse Cowgirl

Tekst piosenki Reverse Cowgirl

I don't know if it's Mexico or down the road to the Texaco
You're headed to, I ain't got no clue, but
You raced off like a palomino in that candy apple El Camino
Never said goodbye, two fadin' taillights
Disappearin' down that interstate
If this lonely cowboy could have his way

You'd put that thing in reverse, cowgirl, come on home
Take that U-turn 'cause I don't wanna be alone
I got this missin' you condition
Hate that we're in this position
If you back it up, babe, we can make things work
So, put that thing in reverse, cowgirl

Since you left I've been going through hell

Do-si-doin' all by myself, don't feel the same without you, babe
But there's one thing that I can promise you
You'll be seein' me from a different point of view

If you put that thing in reverse, cowgirl, come on home
Take that U-turn 'cause I don't wanna be alone
I got this missin' you condition
Hate that we're in this position
If you back it up, babe, we can make things work
So, put that thing in reverse, cowgirl

I know it's hard to do this face-to-face
So, I'm gonna let you take it day-by-day

So put that thing in reverse, cowgirl, come on home
Take that U-turn 'cause I don't wanna be alone
I got this missin' you condition
Hate that we're in this position
If you back it up, babe, we can make things work
So, put that thing in reverse, cowgirl, come on home
Take that U-turn 'cause I don't wanna be alone
I got this missin' you condition
Hate that we're in this position
If you back it up, babe, we can make things work
So, put that thing in reverse, cowgirl

Jon Pardi - Reverse Cowgirl tekst piosenki

Jon Pardi - Reverse Cowgirl tekstowo Reverse Cowgirl Jon Pardi Reverse Cowgirl słowa

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Reverse Cowgirl

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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Reverse Cowgirl
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Reverse Cowgirl tekst piosenki Jon Pardi
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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