Hollywood Undead - Wild In These Streets
Tekst piosenki Wild In These Streets
Wild in these streets (Yeah)
Wild in these streets (get em)
Demons in my head they get loud when they speak (fuck it)
Wild in these streets (yeah)
Wild in these streets (get em)
Lifted On a frequency ain't no dial that can reach
[Johnny 3 Tears]
5150 when fifty bodies go missin
Off the Vincent Thomas bridge
And ain't no one of'em swimmin
Ya the coast guard wants my kilos
So I re-up then I reload
Cuz the label wants to freeload off my singles I need C-notes,
So I swab the fuckin decks,
Break an oz., Then break ya neck. Break every fuckin bone in ya body, missing body, bitch who's next.
It's Undead and the rest,
Johnnycashin checks,
This is Hollywood, welcome to the west.
What you give,
Is what you get.
And what you see,
Is what it is.
What it is,
Is what's it's been
It's me against the world ya fuck your friends
Wild in these streets (Yeah)
Wild in these streets (get em)
Demons in my head they get loud when they speak (fuck it)
Wild in these streets (yeah)
Wild in these streets (get em)
Lifted On a frequency ain't no dial that can reach
King Kong!
Steam roll these muthafuckas!
[Funny Man]
Since a child was freak
Vile when I speak.
Wipin out they squad,
Then I smile when I sleep.
Let the caddy warm up,
Caddy corner,
Trunk box bumpin breaking glass on the block,
Hot trouble I can see the muzzle flash in my thoughts.
The boulevard is paved in blood, flooded with pain and drugs.
Haunted by tainted love, come in and aim on us.
Get'em in they home town, actin like some hoes now. (Yeah ho!)
What you give,
Is what you get.
And what you see,
Is what it is.
And what it is,
Is what's it's been
It's me against the world ya fuck your friends
Wild in these streets (Yeah)
Wild in these streets (get em)
Demons in my head they get loud when they speak (fuck it)
Wild in these streets (yeah)
Wild in these streets (get em)
Lifted On a frequency ain't no dial that can reach
Gravestones and bass tones
Them raves in the catacombs
Paris hit the plug with no prints on the pay phone.
Dig up dem bones and let'em know
I ain't the one to fuck with high key and low
But I got a long way to go, the bell tolls now
I was born deep in hell so I'm a hell hound
You wanna live forever, fight death and his curse and if it's kill or be killed you best be drivin that hearse
Wild in these streets
Wild in these streets
Demons in my head they get loud when they speak
Wild in these streets
Wild in these streets
Lifted On a frequency ain't no dial that can reach
Wild in these streets (Yeah)
Wild in these streets (get em)
Demons in my head they get loud when they speak (fuck it)
Wild in these streets (yeah)
Wild in these streets (get em)
Lifted On a frequency ain't no dial that can reach
[Charlie Scene]
I'll let the 9 break the silence
Get used to hearin them sirens
Bitches get fed to the lions
Gone with the wind like the Mayans
Not here to make no alliance
I'm just addicted to violence
Just here to give you some guidance and choke from this noose as it tightens.
There ain't no killin what won't die, and I got this feeling you won't try.
Make sure you see me with both eyes. Cuz I'm the last you'll see,
So good night
Hollywood Undead - Wild In These Streets tekst piosenki
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