Tekst piosenki: House Of Mirrors Hollywood Undead

Hollywood Undead - House Of Mirrors

Tekst piosenki House Of Mirrors

[Intro: Jelly Roll]
We all live in the house of mirrors
We all live in the house of mirrors

[Verse 1: Johnny 3 Tears]
Broken Mirrors, broken glass
I'm picking up the pieces of my broken past
And I'm standing at the grave of my father's name cause
I pray to God no I don't wanna be the same son
I see the tide rise inside your eyes
I fight against the current but it just won't die
Through the heartache I find redemption
And change the fate of my reflection
[Pre-Chorus: Charlie Scene & Jelly Roll]
It's 3 in the morning, and I don't know where I'm going!

I think my minds been stolen!
(I think my minds been stolen!)

[Chorus: Jelly Roll]
We all live in the house of mirrors
Running from myself but there's nowhere to hide
I like to think I look like a hero
But all I see is a child that's terrified
The numbers on the clock don't last
My reflection don't reflect my past
We can't hide in the house of mirrors, unless you break the glass

[Verse 2: Charlie Scene]
The person that I used to be is just a memory
One look at me and all you'll see is just the enemy
And who you pictured I would be, I guess we'll never see
My dreams, well they could rest in peace, I guess it's just my destiny

[Pre-Chorus: Charlie Scene & Jelly Roll]
It's 3 in the morning, I think my minds been stolen!
'Cause the fame is golden
But the glass is broken!

[Chorus: Jelly Roll]
We all live in the house of mirrors
Running from myself but there's nowhere to hide
I like to think I look like a hero
But all I see is a child that's terrified
The numbers on the clock don't last
My reflection don't reflect my past
We can't hide in the house of mirrors, unless you break the glass

[Bridge: Charlie Scene & Jelly Roll]
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
I'm trying make my way through broken glass
I'm picking up the pieces of the past
I don't wanna see what shadows cast when I look back

[Chorus: Jelly Roll]
We all live in the house of mirrors
Running from myself but there's nowhere to hide
I like to think I look like a hero
But all I see is a child that's terrified
The numbers on the clock don't last
My reflection don't reflect my past
We can't hide in the house of mirrors, unless you break the glass

Hollywood Undead - House Of Mirrors tekst piosenki

Hollywood Undead - House Of Mirrors tekstowo House Of Mirrors Hollywood Undead House Of Mirrors słowa

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House Of Mirrors

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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki House Of Mirrors
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku House Of Mirrors tekst piosenki Hollywood Undead
Źródło: tekstowo.pl
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