Tekst piosenki: Cedar Gracie Abrams

Tekst piosenki Cedar

[Verse 1]
It's been good to know ya
This goodbye felt worst of all
No defining closure
No instruction manual
If you thought to call me
I would answer every time
Breaking up is funny
I forget you aren't mine

I forget you aren't mine
I forget you aren't mine
I forget you aren't mine


It's impossible to acclimate
Every time we talk, we understate
Oh, I know we both could die
We both could die
But you told me that you felt the same
When I told you how I needed space
But I think it was a lie
It was a liе

[Verse 2]
It's been tough to leave you
Every еmpty Sunday night
You come back in pieces
Every detail amplified
If you think to write me
It'll go internalized
Breaking up is funny
I forget you aren't mine

I forget you aren't mine

It's impossible to acclimate
Every time we talk, we understate
Oh, I know we both could die
We both could die
But you told me that you felt the same
When I told you how I needed space
But I think it was a lie
It was a lie

And it's wild how it dissipates
How you're further from me every day
This could be the worst goodbye
The worst goodbye
I don't even know what's left to say
'Cause we called it back then anyway
Could you just remind me why?
Remind me why

[Verse 3]
It's been weird to miss you
Hits me at the strangest times
Seven years would cut through
Other people like a knife
If I tried to meet you
Couldn't look you in the eye
Breaking up is funny
I forget you aren't mine

I forget you aren't mine

Gracie Abrams - Cedar Tekst piosenki

Cedar Gracie Abrams - Cedar tekstowo Cedar o czym jest piosenka Cedar Gracie Abrams - Cedar Tekst Cedar Gracie Abrams Cedar słowa Gracie Abrams - Cedar Text

Album: The Buccaneers: Season 1 (Apple TV+ Original Series Soundtrack) (2023)

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Kadr z teledysku Cedar tekst piosenki Gracie Abrams



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