Tekst piosenki: Camden Gracie Abrams

Gracie Abrams - Camden

Tekst piosenki Camden

I never said it but I know that I
Can't picture anything past twenty-five
Not like I care to know the timing
Not like I'm looking for that silence
Self diagnosing 'til I'm borderline
I'll do whatever helps to sleep at night
Until I'm feeling like an island
Until I'm strong enough to hide it
What was I thinking looking for a sign?
As if I've ever seen the stars align
Somebody take over the driving
Somebody notice how I'm trying
Somebody notice how I'm trying

When I'm toeing that line

All of the time
Calling it fine
Calling it fine
Toeing that line
All of the timе
Calling it fine
Calling it fine

How do you call it when you'rе in your head?
Like when you really keep inside of it?
I only talk into the mirror
I'm only scared of getting bigger
At least I'll never turn to cigarettes
My brother shielded me from all of that
He said that smoking was a killer
He said he knows that I've been bitter
Maybe I'm waiting for the go ahead
The validation that I never get
Most of the game is unfamiliar
Most of the girls are getting thinner

Toeing that line
All of the time
Calling it fine
Calling it fine
Toeing that line
All of the timе
Calling it fine
Calling it fine

All of me, a wound to close
But I leave the whole thing open
I just wanted you to know, I was never good at coping
All of me, a wound to close
But I leave the whole thing open
I just wanted you to know, I was never good at coping
All of me, a wound to close
But I leave the whole thing open
I just wanted you to know, I was never good at coping
All of me, a wound to close
But I leave the whole thing open
I just wanted you to know, I was never good at coping

I never said it but I know that I
Can't picture anything past twenty-five
Not like I care to know the time and
Not like I'm looking for that silence
I never said it but I know that I
I bury baggage 'til it's out of sight
I think it's better if I hide it
I really hope that I'll survive this

Gracie Abrams - Camden tekst piosenki

Gracie Abrams - Camden tekstowo Camden Gracie Abrams Camden słowa

Teledysk do piosenki

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Camden
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Camden tekst piosenki Gracie Abrams
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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