Tekst piosenki: Skin and Bones David Kushner

Tekst piosenki Skin and Bones

[Verse 1]
I fantasized I feel you like a bullet
And all your layers to the fullest
But the heavens won't come down near, mmm
You deceivin', wayward woman
You're a false prophet at the pulpit
The condition of your soul is erodin'

Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical
Oh, I'm gonna lose control, yeah, as you pull me close
Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical
Oh, I'm gonna lose control

[Verse 2]
As your flatter talk shivers down my spine

I hear the Holy One exposin' all the lies
Lord, forgive me, I know my flesh needs to die
She has the lips red as cherry wine
A poisonous kiss, she's part of the swine
Our salvation won't be sacrificed

Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical
Oh, I'm gonna lose control, yeah, as you pull me close
Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical
Oh, I'm gonna lose control

But I don't wanna stop, yeah, I just need to see
If your love's the truth or the spirit of deceit
No, I don't wanna talk, baby, give it all to me
There's honey drippin' from your teeth

Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical
Oh, I'm gonna lose control, yeah, as you pull me close
Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical
Oh, I'm gonna lose control
Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical
Oh, I'm gonna lose control, yeah, as you pull me close
Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical
Oh, I'm gonna lose control

(Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical) But I don't wanna stop, yeah, I just need to see
(Oh, I'm gonna lose control, yeah, as you pull me close) If your love's the truth or the spirit of deceit
(Wrap me in your skin and bones, yeah, you're electrical) No, I don't wanna talk, baby, give it all to me
(Oh, I'm gonna lose control) There's honey drippin' from your teeth

David Kushner - Skin and Bones Tekst piosenki

Skin and Bones David Kushner - Skin and Bones tekstowo Skin and Bones o czym jest piosenka Skin and Bones David Kushner - Skin and Bones Tekst Skin and Bones David Kushner Skin and Bones słowa David Kushner - Skin and Bones Text

Teledysk do piosenki
Skin and Bones

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
Skin and Bones

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Skin and Bones
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Skin and Bones tekst piosenki David Kushner
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