David Kushner - Burn
Tekst piosenki Burn
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All you ever caused was pain
You can say you're sorry, the evidence is on my body
But I never complain
I wear it as a lesson, a curse and a blessing
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, you're not a prophet
Have you forgotten that you're godless?
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
you're on your knees and
You're tryna to speak, beggin' me please, but
Don't even say what you're gonna say
It's too late, too late, baby
Why did you wait to finally change?
It's too late, too late to save me, oh, oh, oh
You watched me
Burn, burn, burn
You watched me
Burn, burn, burn
You watched me
I don't even pity your pain
You can use it as a weapon, but I won't ever let it
Pull me back under again
I let you fool me once, but now I'm dead and gone
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, you're not a prophet
Have you forgotten that you're godless?
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, you're on your knees, and
You're tryna speak, beggin' me please, but
Don't even say what you're gonna say
It's too late, too late, baby
Why did you wait to finally change?
It's too late, too late to save me, oh, oh, oh
You watched me
Burn, burn, burn
You watched me
Burn, burn, burn
You watched me
Burn, burn, burn
You watched me
Burn, burn, burn
You watched me
David Kushner - Burn tekst piosenki
David Kushner - Burn tekstowo Burn David Kushner Burn słowaZnasz już tekst piosenki Burn
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