Tekst piosenki: Ritual Alan Walker

Tekst piosenki Ritual

[Verse 1]
Your eyes, alight in flames
Like lights along the way
The beautiful ones
Light up the world
So, we don't feel invisible

[Pre-Chorus 1]
We're not made for war
Not unbreakable
We're all lost in the night
Love is chemical
Hearts so flammable
When we turn off the lights

The ritual fires
They light up and guide us
Shining inside us
Calling all la-la la
The ritual fires
The falling of triumphs
A beautiful riot
In all of us, la-la la-la-la

Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
Oh oh-oh oh-oh
Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
They light up and guide us
The ritual fires

[Verse 2]
Your eyes call out my name
Tonight wе're all the same
And wе are the sun, light up the world
The darkness's doom it's our ritual

[Pre-Chorus 2]
We’re not made for war
Not unbreakable
We're just lost in the night
Love is chemical
Heart so flammable
So just turn off the lights (Ah-ah-ah-ah)

The ritual fires
They light up and guide us
Shining like diamonds
Calling all la-la la
The ritual fires
The falling of triumphs
A beautiful riot
In all of us, la-la la-la-la

Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
Oh oh-oh oh-oh
Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
They light up and guide us
The ritual fires

Alan Walker - Ritual Tekst piosenki

Alan Walker - Ritual tekstowo Alan Walker - Ritual Text Ritual Alan Walker Ritual słowa

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Kadr z teledysku Ritual tekst piosenki Alan Walker
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