Alan Walker - Faded
Tekst piosenki Faded
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Faded po polsku 🇵🇱 »
You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us?
Another Start
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna se us
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Was it all in my fantasy?
(Where are you now?)
Were you only imaginary?
(Where are you now?)
Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now?
Another dream
The monsters running wild inside of me
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost,
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost,
I'm faded
These shallow waters,
Never met
What i needed
I'm letting go
A deeper dive
Eternal silence of the sea
I'm breathing
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Under the bright
But faded lights
You set my heart on fire
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now?
Another dream
The monsters running wild inside of me
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost,
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost,
I'm faded
Alan Walker - Faded tekst piosenki
Faded, którą śpiewa Iselin Solheim. Faded Alan Walker - Faded tekstowo Alan Walker - Faded słowa Alan Walker - Faded kto śpiewaZnasz już tekst piosenki Faded
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Faded na polski 🇵🇱 »
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