Aerosmith - Jaded
Tekst piosenki Jaded
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Jaded po polsku 🇵🇱 »
Hey j-j-jaded, you got your mama's style
But you're yesterday's child to me
So jaded
You think that's where it's at
But is that where it's supposed to be
You're gettin' it all over me X-Rated
My my baby blue
Yeah I've been thinkin' about you
My my baby blue
Yeah you're so jaded
And I'm the one that jaded you
Hey j-j-jaded
In all it's misery
It will always be what I love and hated
And maybe take a ride to the other side
We're thinkin' of
We'll slip into the velvet glove
And be jaded
My my baby blue
Yeah I'm thinkin about you
My my baby blue
Yeah I'm so jaded
And baby I'm afraid of you
Your thinking's so complicated
I've had it all up to here
But it's so overrated
Love and hated
Wouldn't trade it
Love me jaded
Hey j-j-jaded
There ain't no baby please
When I'm shootin the breeze with her
When everything you see is a blur
And ectasy's what you prefer
My my baby blue
Yeah I'm talkin' about you
My my baby blue
Yeah I've been thinkin' about you
My my baby blue
Yeah you're so jaded
You're so jaded
'Cause I'm the one that jaded you
Aerosmith - Jaded tekst piosenki
Jaded Aerosmith - Jaded tekstowo Jaded o czym jest piosenka Jaded Aerosmith - Jaded Tekst Jaded Aerosmith Jaded słowaAlbum: Just Push Play (2001)
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