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(Teksty piosenek)
Teledysk do piosenki The Grey knF-DM7hUHoMadison Bailey - The Grey
If I could go back to when I was little
I'd say it's alright to be stuck in the middle
When all the best things about you don't e ...
Utworzone: 01 październik 2024
(Teksty piosenek)
Teledysk do piosenki The Grey ZMAy5K8vEGc
[Verse 1]
Evened the scores then I let it all go fall apart
And every step forward put a little more sword in your heart, yeah
Looking sideways when I say ...
Utworzone: 17 luty 2022
(Teksty piosenek)
Teledysk do piosenki The Grey lfOamKyv1LgAsking Alexandria - The Grey
The come down is killing me
The slow fade, the fast release
I know I can't keep this up forever
The light burns, please clos ...
Utworzone: 07 październik 2021