Tekst piosenki: Over The Building Wiz Khalifa and Currensy

Wiz Khalifa and Currensy - Over The Building

Tekst piosenki Over The Building

I'm in the air
All I want is the money and I see it so clear
Weed in my grinder
Mind on a million
Taylor Gang on The Planes
You know we over the building
If they ask me how fly
I'mma tell ya
If you recognize game I should be looking familiar
If they ask me how fly
I'mma tell ya
If you reconize a g I should be lookin familiar

Party and chillin and fast livin how im suppose too
Not the choices given I chose too
Leave the club with a couple of hoes who

Love to smoke trees
Rolling in e-z wider papers
Maintain a low speed
Now should I proceed
Come from a city where niggas ain't got a lot
But got it locked
So I be low key
Money hoes clothes is all a nigga knows
Don't bring a nug
I blow it by the O
I hit the road
Cause shit is exactly how it seems
While cats been sleeping on me I been livin out my dream
The marijuana is loud but my sorroundings are serene
I'm laughin and smoking hoping my camera catch the scene
Fresh up out the plane
Flick another paper
Shorty wanna ride with me
As bad as I wanna taker her
Put you in demand
Bitches taking flicks with the planes
And send them to their friends
Weed to grind mind on a million
And we over the building

I'm in the air
All I want is the money and I see it so clear
Weed in my grinder
Mind on a million
Taylor Gang on The Planes
You know we over the building
If they ask me how fly
I'mma tell ya
If you recognize game I should be looking familiar
If they ask me how fly
I'mma tell ya
If you reconize a g I should be lookin familiar

And I'm livin like a balla loc
I'm having money and blowing hella chronic smoke
Did we just become best friends with these hoes on a boat
Well probably so
But we don't love them no
Only can cake causes my heart to palpitate
Clean that money
Keep this dirty ball revolving
No pausing
I get too high to have downtime
No matter what your watch say nigga it's my time
I hear them critics right now
"All them fools make is weed songs" blah blah blah
You sound like a sucka
Tune ya out
As I'm tuning up my chevelle
This weekend I'mma pull it out
Lay some rubber down slanging rocks everywhere
People mad as a mothafucka
But he jet connected so they know they can't touch em
Airborn from here on been sworn in
Fat pockets cause I took chance even when they were slim

I'm in the air
All I want is the money and I see it so clear
Weed in my grinder
Mind on a million
Taylor Gang on The Planes
You know we over the building
If they ask me how fly
I'mma tell ya
If you recognize game I should be looking familiar
If they ask me how fly
I'mma tell ya
If you reconize a g I should be lookin familiar

Wiz Khalifa and Currensy - Over The Building tekst piosenki

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Over The Building

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Over The Building

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Kadr z teledysku Over The Building tekst piosenki Wiz Khalifa and Currensy
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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