Tekst piosenki Drop 'Em Out
[Intro]Drop 'em out
One, two, three, four
Drop 'em out, let me see them titties
Gonna take a long look at those tig 'ol bitties
Areolas lookin' nice, nipples lookin' real pretty
Come on, let me gander at your boobs
Drop 'em out, let me see them knockers
Gonna take a long look at those big ham hockers
Just squeeze 'em together while I play with my cocker
Come on, let me gander at your boobs
[Verse 1]
Drop 'em out, let me see them flabbies
Bounce 'em up, make an old man happy
Smack 'em around, just lay 'em on my lappie
Come on, let me jism on your boobs
Drop 'em out, let me see them titties
Gonna take a long look at those tig 'ol bitties
Areolas lookin' nice, nipples lookin' real pretty
Come on, let me gander at your boobs
Drop 'em out, let me see them knockers
Gonna take a long look at those big ham hockers
Just squeeze 'em together while I play with my cocker
Come on, let me gander at your boobs
[Verse 2]
Drop 'em out
Bounce 'em up
Smack 'em around
Drop 'em out, let me see them titties
Gonna take a long look at those tig 'ol bitties
Areolas lookin' nice, nipples lookin' real pretty
Come on, let me gander at your boobs
Drop 'em out, let me see them knockers
Gonna take a long look at those big ham hockers
Just squeeze 'em together while I play with my cocker
Come on, let me gander at your boobs
Wheeler Walker Jr. - Drop 'Em Out Tekst piosenki
Drop 'Em Out w wykonaniu Wheeler Walker Jr. - Drop 'Em Out tekstowo Wheeler Walker Jr. - Drop 'Em Out o czym jest piosenka Drop 'Em Out Wheeler Walker Jr. Drop 'Em Out słowa Wheeler Walker Jr. - Drop 'Em Out Text Wheeler Walker Jr. - Drop 'Em Out lyrics Wheeler Walker Jr. - Drop 'Em Out TekstAlbum: Redneck Shit (2016)
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Wheeler Walker Jr.
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Drop 'Em Out
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