Tekst piosenki Superman (Garage Practice
[Intro]It's gotta be intense though
We'll get it to wax
Wax factor
Wax factor
Yeah, yeah
I will be your Superman under the water
Swimming with the fishies now, lookin' for father
I will be your Superman, watch me explode
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, and what you know now
I'm fearing dependency and I'm running out the door
Gonna find your last name, babe, it kills me more and more
Love is pain
And what will be remains
I will be up in the yellow pages
You will find my advertisement in the green book
I'm fearing dependency and I'm running out the door
Looking for the road my father paved fifteen years ago
Hoping that you'll call me on the phone
Hoping that you'll call me on the phone
Hoping that you'll call me on the phone
Hoping that you are going to call me on the phone
The bass in there?
I wanna nail those harmonies
You know it's cool
I wish I could, man
Weezer - Superman (Garage Practice June 1992) Tekst piosenki
Superman (Garage Practice June 1992) w wykonaniu Weezer - Superman (Garage Practice tekstowo Weezer - Superman (Garage Practice June 1992) o czym jest piosenka Superman (Garage Practice June 1992) Weezer Superman (Garage Practice June 1992) słowa Weezer - Superman (Garage Practice TextWeezer Superman (Garage Practice Letra de Superman (Garage Practice com Weezer Weezer - Superman (Garage Practice lyrics Weezer - Superman (Garage Practice - June 1992) Tekst
Album: Weezer (30th Anniversary Super Deluxe) (2024)
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Superman (Garage Practice
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Superman (Garage Practice
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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć