V (BTS) - Stalker
Tekst piosenki Stalker
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Stalker po polsku 🇵🇱 »
I see you walking down the street,
With a fire in your eyes, it's so sweet,
You're the kind of woman I can't ignore,
I'm in too deep, girl, I'm wanting more.
Your shadow in the night, it calls to me,
I'm lost in every move, you're all I see,
No one's gonna touch you, not while I'm around,
I'll take down anyone who makes a sound.
You're so hot, you're burnin' up my mind,
Got me thinking crazy thoughts, I'm losing time,
Girl, I'd do anything, just say the word,
For you, I'd unalive the whole damn world.
Verse 2
In the dark, I'm lurking just out of sight,
Your silhouette is all I need tonight,
You don't even know the power you hold,
My obsession's getting out of control.
Your laugh, your smile, it's my favorite sound,
Got me running wild, I'm tightly wound,
Anyone who dares to get too close,
I'll make sure they disappear like a ghost.
You're so hot, you're burnin' up my mind,
Got me thinking crazy thoughts, I'm losing time,
Girl, I'd do anything, just say the word,
For you, I'd unalive the whole damn world.
I'm the shadow in your dreams, the whisper in your ear,
I'll be right there, baby, there's nothing to fear,
Just a touch, just a glance, I'm yours to command,
I'll take down every man just to hold your hand.
You're so hot, you're burnin' up my mind,
Got me thinking crazy thoughts, I'm losing time,
Girl, I'd do anything, just say the word,
For you, I'd unalive the whole damn world.
So keep walking, baby, feel the heat,
I'm your shadow, always at your feet,
I'm obsessed, I'm lost, but it feels so right,
For you, girl, I'd do anything, even give up the light.
V (BTS) - Stalker tekst piosenki
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Stalker na polski 🇵🇱 »
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