Unsecret - Out of my Cage
Tekst piosenki Out of my Cage
Feel the thunder
In my veins
Fuel the fire
Just let it rage
Like the hunter
On its prey
Once you think you got me trapped
I make my escape
You think you got me
You think you got me
You think you got me
Just try and stop me
Don't try and stop me
Feel the rumble
Your castle quakes
Can't stop what's coming
Can't run away
Try and stop me
Throw me in chains
Once you think you got me trapped I'm
Go ahead just try and stop me
I'll make sure you leave crawling
Go ahead just try and stop me
I'll make you leave crawling
Unsecret - Out of my Cage tekst piosenki
Out of my Cage Unsecret - Out of my Cage tekstowo Out of my Cage o czym jest piosenka Out of my Cage Unsecret - Out of my Cage Tekst Out of my Cage Unsecret Out of my Cage słowaTeledysk do piosenki
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Out of my Cage
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Źródło: tekstowo.pl