Tekst piosenki: Datura $uicideboy$

$uicideboy$ - Datura

Tekst piosenki Datura

[Intro: Lil Yo & $crim]
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff (You did good, $lick)
I-I-I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I-I-I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I-I-I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I-I-I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff (Yeah, yeah, Wet, Wet, Wet, Wetto)

[Verse 1: $crim]
You know my neck on Medici, ten milli' off a PC
Lookin' for that coke? Let me holla at my Kiki (Kiki)
Box, Chevy kiwi, underwater smokin' seaweed
Drop my kids in the field like they gonna play peewee (Ayy, Northside)

Bitch, get the gat, get the gat (Norf, Norf, Norf)
In the 5-0-4, whеre they screamin', "Who that?" (Norf, Norf, Norf)
From thе East Bloc, backwood hoodrats (Norf, Norf, Norf)
Now take this fuckin' track, so I can piss all on that flag (Norf, Norf, Norfside)

[Bridge: Lil Yo & Ruby da Cherry]
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I-I-I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I-I-I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff (Ayy, ayy, ayy)

[Verse 2: Ruby da Cherry]
Run up on my block and they gon' try and shoot (Boom, boom, boom, boom)
Ruby steady kickin' it wit' yo' bitch and we still knockin' boots
She keep tryna suck on my dick like she got a rotten tooth (Ew)
Inside of the whip looks like a motherfuckin' prostitute
Leopard pull up in the Delta 88
All black and gold radiatin' platinum smoke (Ayy), satiate your blackened soul
Bitch, I got the mile runner's gear, run the lap alone (Ayy)
Yeah, they tried to sight the chrome (Ayy), turn 'em to a fuckin' bag of bones, uh (Ay)

[Outro: Lil Yo]
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I-I-I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I-I-I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I-I-I'm so— I'm seein' murder stuff
I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff
I-I-I'm so high, super high, so high, I'm seein' murder stuff

$uicideboy$ - Datura tekst piosenki

$uicideboy$ - Datura tekstowo Datura $uicideboy$ Datura słowa

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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Datura
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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Datura tekst piosenki $uicideboy$
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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