Tekst piosenki: Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) Tyler, The Creator

Tekst piosenki Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version)

Fragmenty tekstu / Vinyl snippets

[Chorus: Tyler, The Creator]
You niggas thought I was dead (Woah)
You niggas thought I was dead

[Verse: Playboi Carti & Tyler, The Creator]
Thought I was dead (Thought I was dead)
Thought I was dead (Thought I was dead)
I can't kick it, I ain't got no legs
GLS got me dodgin' all the feds (Hm)
Know I got a nigga upset (Woah)
Pull out the door, put the keys in the [?] (Woah, woah)
Still poppin' my shit outside, I ain't do it for the 'Gram or the 'net
Feelin' like a zombie, I can't miss
Double R clean, let's go fishin'

Tryna move like us, them shoes don't fit
No, I'm not a striker, I can get it lit (Hm)

[Break: Tyler, The Creator & Santigold]
Packed in, god damn, dat dream
Never seen a nigga with a fuckin' (They thought I was)
Cat game, if a nigga think he gon' get

[Break: Tyler, The Creator & Santigold]
Packed in, god damn, dat dream
Nevеr seen a nigga with a fuckin' (They thought I was)
Cat game, if a nigga think he gon' gеt

You niggas thought I was dead
You niggas thought I was dead
You niggas thought I was dead
You niggas thought I was dead
Niggas thought I was dead
Niggas thought I was dead
You niggas thought I was dead
You niggas thought I was dead

I don't wanna be found (Mm, uh), I don't wanna be down
I don't wanna be found (Mm, uh), I don't wanna be down
I don't wanna be found (Woo), I don't wanna be down
I don't wanna be found, I don't wanna be down

Tyler, The Creator - Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) Tekst piosenki

Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) Tyler, The Creator - Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) tekstowo Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) o czym jest piosenka Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) Tyler, The Creator - Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) Tekst Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) Tyler, The Creator Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) słowa Tyler, The Creator - Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) Text


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Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version)

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Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version)

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Kadr z teledysku Thought I Was Dead (Vinyl Version) tekst piosenki Tyler, The Creator


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