Tekst piosenki: Gorgeous Trxp 9k

Tekst piosenki Gorgeous


Shawty said I'm gorgeous
I ask her what she like
She said I like my birkin foreign
She must've known that I'm important
Bitch just watch the forces
You step up on my shoes yo ass is finna get deported
She callin bullshi like ah


The night sky's im lost in
My heart steady resting up up in that coffin
An shit I get lost within my thoughts to often

I smoke away my lungs I think I'm goin dumb man like dumb man
I tellem rise n' shine goodmorning
Bitch im way to faded outta orbit
Oh I was way to gone but now im back to switch to courses
So tired of the bullshit like all yall bitches boring
I done poured up all my double cups an dropped a perky now im souring
Through thе sky bitch im rolling high bitch im fly bitch im fly ain't no lie
Through the sky bitch im rolling high bitch im fly bitch im fly ain't no lie


Shawty said I'm gorgеous
I ask her what she like
She said I like my birkin foreign
She must've known that I'm important
Bitch just watch the forces
You step up on my shoes yo ass is finna get deported
She callin bullshi like ah

Shawty said I'm gorgeous
I ask her what she like
She said I like my birkin foreign
She must've known that I'm important
Bitch just watch the forces
You step up on my shoes yo ass is finna get deported
She callin bullshi like ah


Shawty said I'm gorgeous we takin trip to Costa Rica sippin on imported
I'm sipping fine wine while ya'll steady on that bullshit
I fornicate with yo bitch she just want some do shit
I tell her leave me alone then I tell her hit the door bitch
(I fornicate with yo bitch she just want some do shit
I tell her leave me alone then I tell her hit the door bitch )
I'm breaking down all my weed I roll it up then smoke it
I can't trust yall bitches like yall done left me hopeless oh nah
I can't trust yall bitches yall done left me hopeless oh nah


Shawty said I'm gorgeous
I ask her what she like
She said I like my birkin foreign
She must've known that I'm important
Bitch just watch the forces
You step up on my shoes yo ass is finna get deported
She callin bullshi like ah

Shawty said I'm gorgeous
I ask her what she like
She said I like my birkin foreign
She must've known that I'm important
Bitch just watch the forces
You step up on my shoes yo ass is finna get deported
She callin bullshi like ah

Trxp 9k - Gorgeous Tekst piosenki

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