Tekst piosenki: Can't Get Enough Tribbs & Klara Hammarstrom

Tekst piosenki Can't Get Enough

Calling Dr. Feelgood makes me feel good
Calling Dr. Feelgood when the sky is blue

All my life, all my life, searching for the truth
Say it loud, say it loud, tell me what to do
Round and round, up and down
Spinning through the night
I'm in a vibe, I'm in the sky
I'm going loco, oh baby

Calling Dr. Feelgood makes me feel good
Calling Dr. Feelgood when the sky is blue
Calling Dr. Feelgood makes me feel good
Calling Dr. Feelgood
Don't stop, don't stop, can't get enough

Can't get enough
Don't stop, don't stop, can't get enough
Can't get enough

I'm alive, I'm alive, there's no time to wait
Going high, going low, drunk and in a haze
I can see, I can see everything tonight
I'm in a vibe up in the sky
I'm going loco, baby

Calling Dr. Feelgood makes me feel good
Calling Dr. Feelgood when the sky is blue
Calling Dr. Feelgood makes me feel good
Calling Dr. Feelgood

Don't stop, don't stop, can't get enough
Can't get enough
Don't stop, don't stop, can't get enough
Can't get enough

Calling Dr. Feelgood makes me feel good
Calling Dr. Feelgood

Don't stop, don't stop, can't get enough
Can't get enough
Don't stop, don't stop, can't get enough
Can't get enough
Don't stop, don't stop, can't get enough

Calling Dr. Feelgood makes me feel good
Calling Dr. Feelgood
Don't stop, don't stop, can't get enough

Tribbs i Klara Hammarstrom - Can't Get Enough Tekst piosenki

Can't Get Enough w wykonaniu Tribbs & Klara Hammarstrom - Can't Get Enough tekstowo Can't Get Enough o czym jest piosenka Can't Get Enough Klara Hammarstrom & Tribbs - Can't Get Enough (Dr. Feelgood) Tekst Can't Get Enough Tribbs & Klara Hammarstrom Can't Get Enough Słowa piosenki Can't Get Enough z repertuaru Tribbs & Klara Hammarstrom - Can't Get Enough Lyrics Tribbs & Klara Hammarstrom - Can't Get Enough (Dr. Feelgood) Text

Teledysk do piosenki
Can't Get Enough

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
Can't Get Enough

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Can't Get Enough
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Can



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