Tekst piosenki: high water Tori Kelly

Tekst piosenki high water

[Verse 1]
Broken-hearted tears, forever kind of rain
Alone with all my fears, can't escape the pain
Tired of holdin' on, I'm runnin' out of faith
Lord I try, I try, try, I try
But I know

Something is comin' in the mornin'
If I can make it through the night
Whatever comes, Hell or high water
I know, I know what's on the other side
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side, ooh, si-si-si-si-side)
I know what's on the other side, mm
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side, other side)

[Verse 2]
Kayla called my phone, said he passed away
Hard to help a friend when you don't know what to say
All the questions and she still chose to pray
So I'll try, I'll try, try, I'll try
'Cause I know

Something is comin' in the mornin'
If I can make it through the night
Whatever comes, Hell or high water
I know, I know what's on the other side
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side, ooh, si-si-si-si-side)
I know what's on the other side
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side, other side)
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side, ooh, si-si-si-si-side)
I know what's on the other side
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side, other side)
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm

Oh-oh, oh-oh
Something is comin' in the mornin' (Comin' in the mornin')
If I can make it through the night (If I can make it through, yeah)
Whatever comes, Hell or high water (High water)
I know (I know), I know what's on the other side
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side, ooh, si-si-si-si-side)
Oh-ooh, I know what's on the other side
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side, other side)
I know, I'm gonna make it
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side)
I"m gonna make it (Ooh, si-si-si-si-side)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
(Ooh, si-si-si-si-side, other side)
Oh, oh, mm-hmm

Tori Kelly - ​high water Tekst piosenki

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Album: TORI. (Album Version) (2024)

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high water

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Kadr z teledysku high water tekst piosenki Tori Kelly


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