Tekst piosenki: Victory Tony K

Tekst piosenki Victory

[Verse 1]
Once upon a time
Wasn’t doing great (doing great)
Riding downtown
I was working late (working late)
Had my head down trying to coordinate (coordinate)
Put on a fake smile like a joker face
Life had a sober taste
Lie (lie, lie, lie)
Told myself I’ll see the silver line (line, line, line)
With all their lines playing through my mind (mind, mind, mind)
Saying how it’s all a waste of time
How I’ll never see a dime
How I’m getting left behind yeah


I was planting seeds (seeds, seeds, seeds)
Back when it was bitter
Now it’s sweet (sweet, sweet, sweet)
Try to get to me
Now I’m outta reach (reach, reach)
I’m in control to Control-Alt-Delete

I was down
Now I’m tasting victory (victory)
Try to slow me down I’m gaining speed
Started in the valley
Now it’s peaks (peaks)
I ain’t stopping now
It’s rinse and repeat

[Verse 2]
I remember times when
Y’all were non-existent
Like the hell if I cared
Cause I was on a mission
I made it out the nightmare
Without your recognition
Now you hear the V12
When I hit ignition and takeoff
Leaving you offset
A shot of Cuervo change my mind set
Still riding solo need no Migos know I’m all set
Cause the prospects looking promising
Hell if I care if you out here gossiping

I was planting seeds (seeds, seeds, seeds)
Back when it was bitter
Now it’s sweet (sweet, sweet, sweet)
Try to get to me
Now I’m outta reach (reach, reach)
I’m in control to Control-Alt-Delete

I was down
Now I’m tasting victory (victory)
Try to slow me down I’m gaining speed
Started in the valley
Now it’s peaks (peaks)
I ain’t stopping now
It’s rinse and repeat

[Verse 3]
Only a few I keep close
The rest disposable
Throw ‘em overboard
Sign of the cross yeah
Leave it to the Lord
Send regards yeah
Remain the course
They showing true colors now
It’s more than I could sort
I ain’t looking back no
I keep moving north
Til I’m sipping on some Henny
On a Gulf-stream yah
I’ll be on my money
Like an all seeing eye (eye)

I was planting seeds (seeds, seeds, seeds)
Back when it was bitter
Now it’s sweet (sweet, sweet, sweet)
Try to get to me
Now I’m outta reach (reach, reach)
I’m in control to Control-Alt-Delete

I was down
Now I’m tasting victory (victory)
Try to slow me down I’m gaining speed
Started in the valley
Now it’s peaks (peaks)
I ain’t stopping now
It’s rinse and repeat

Tony K - Victory Tekst piosenki

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Kadr z teledysku Victory tekst piosenki Tony K




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