Tekst piosenki: Quiet Tobi LaCroix

Tekst piosenki Quiet

I hate the quiet
Not the silent
But the moments in between
When the fan stops blowing long enough to hear the neighbors scream
And the water running
In the room
Across the hall
And I can hear it all
But it's quiet so I guess I can't complain
I hate the windows
And the way that folks are always looking in
I wait for change but then I miss the way
It's always been
I'm a paradox
A riddle
But just ask me and I'll tell

Maybe you can crack the code before I land myself in hell

I think I'm running out of time
To save the world before it kills me
Life is long and uphill climb
And I throw myself off cliffs just 'cause it thrills me

And who's to say
That by the way
I'm pretty sure the world is gonna end

I hate the eyes
And how they always seem to
Look right at me
And how I got my perfect life
But still I can't be happy
And I know it's chemical
But I'm tired of it anyway
I'm in the past tense
So it makes sense
That I can't live for today
I hate my mind
And how it never seems
To foster any peace
And how when I get sad I sit there
And just sight-read Fur Elise
And every time that I get up
I get up just to fall
Sometimes I wonder
Why I bother getting up at all

I think I'm running out of time
To save the world before it kills me
Life is long and uphill climb
And I throw myself off cliffs just 'cause it thrills me

I think I'm running out of time
To save the world before it kills me
Life is long and uphill climb
And I throw myself off cliffs just 'cause it thrills me

And who's to say
That by the way
I'm pretty sure the world is gonna end

Tobi LaCroix - Quiet Tekst piosenki

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