Tiwayo - Better Days
Tekst piosenki Better Days
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Hey little sunlight
Papa dries tears and we'll find some fun
I want you to know that
I'll be around whatever happens
Little boy, there'll be better days
In a world with no light
I will go chasin' the sun
This is a tough life
We are all always on the run
Little boy, there'll be better days
Little man, there'll be better days
Little bird, there'll be better days
Better days (x4)
Son, there'll be better days
They made it so dark
Sometimes it's hard to find the fun
Lookin' at all those fights
You're right to ask if people will ever learn
Little baby, there‘ll be better days
I think It's in the mankind
We're so fucked up and strangely made
But hey, look around
Do you see the love your daddy spreads?
Little boy, there'll be better days
Little man, there'll be better days
Better days (x4)
Son, there'll be better days
Son, there'll be better days
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Better Days