Tekst piosenki: Come Thru The Weeknd

Tekst piosenki Come Thru

Everything I said I'd do, I did
Oh yeah, come through
Everything I said I'd do, I did
Oh yeah, uh

But baby, let's face it, I'm not into dating
I haven't been patient
Ever since I been famous my time has been racing
My motives are basic, this life I've been chasing
These hearts I've been breaking
And these girls I been tasting don't never get naked
Just put it in a ponytail, fuck 'em from behind
Fuck 'em with their clothes on, panties to the side
Put the panties to the side, like a don do

Get it wet, let it slide like a sunroof
Got goals, got dreams, got hoes, got cribs
Got niggas that'll die for a prince
Got my city on lock, XO 'til the death
Left town in a coach, came back in a jet

Come through, I'm not living like I did before
Come through, um, I said come through
Everything I said I'd do, I did
Come through, oh yeah
Oh, come through
I've been out there puttin' down that work
Come through, oh yeah, I said come through
Everything I said I'd do, I did
Come through, come through, ohh

The Weeknd - Come Thru Tekst piosenki

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Come Thru

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Come Thru

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takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

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