Tekst piosenki: Island Girls The Spirit Weavers

Tekst piosenki Island Girls

[Verse 1]
Ay, man, ay, man, watcha gonna do?
Mi gon' put de hex pon you
All I ever really want to do, do, oh
Is take it from behind from you, daddy, oh

Baby, boy, baby, baby, ay-ay, eh, eh
Put dem hands in de air

Spirit weavers come represent, come to weave, eh
We are de island girls of your dreams
Spirit weavers come represent, come to weave, eh
We are de island girls of your dreams

[verse 2]
Rum-pum-pum-pum, eh, daddy come and take it
My body is ready and I’ll never have to fake it
I bet I could take you, then your dad, and then you brother
And his friends, and that cactus too, yeah (Ouchie, wow, wow)

Baby, boy, baby, baby, ay-ay, eh, eh
Put dem hands in de air

Spirit weavers come represent, come to weave, eh
We are de island girls of your dreams
Spirit weavers come represent, come to weave, eh
We are de island girls of your dreams

[verse 2]
Rum-pum-pum-pum, eh, daddy come and take it
My body is ready and I’ll never have to fake it
I bet I could take you, then your dad, and then you brother
And his friends, and that cactus too, yeah (Ouchie, wow, wow)

Baby, boy, baby, baby, ay-ay, eh, eh
Put dem hands in de air

Spirit weavers come represent, come to weave, eh
We are de island girls of your dreams
Spirit weavers come represent, come to weave, eh
We are de island girls of your dreams

The Spirit Weavers - Island Girls Tekst piosenki

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Album: Island Girls (2024)

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