Tekst piosenki March Of The Unheard
[Verse 1]How can we not feel it
The cries no one can hear
Our reality given voices
A choir of muted screams
We fail them on every level
When the words are never known
Let us break this curse of silence
On the march of the unheard
[Verse 2]
We gather among the masses
To turn this reign around
As every single heartbeat
Will carry now the sound
We fail them on every level
When the words are never known
Let us break this curse of silence
On the march of the unheard
So let's reach for every instrument
That will amplify our anger
Take to the streets of repression
As we march for the unheard
[Guitar Solo]
We fail them on every level
When the words are never known
Let us break this curse of silence
On the march of the unheard
We fail them on every level
When the words are never known
Let us break this curse of silence
On the march of the unheard
The Halo Effect - March Of The Unheard Tekst piosenki
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Album: March of the Unheard (2025)
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March Of The Unheard
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March Of The Unheard
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