Tekst piosenki: In Too Deep The Chainsmokers

The Chainsmokers - In Too Deep

Tekst piosenki In Too Deep

[Verse 1: Andrew Taggart]
They only shine a light on notoriety
So sometimes I forget what's inside of me
And when I lose my mind, I do it quietly, oh, oh
And maybe it's just my anxiety
Or my lack of overall sobriety
But why don't you come over and get high with me? Oh, oh

[Pre-Chorus: Andrew Taggart]
I know you're getting tired of this
And I know you never asked for it

[Chorus: Andrew Taggart]
But I'm in too deep and I need a way out
You're the only way out

So please just say you're coming over right now
Come over right now
Take you back to my hometown
Make my parents proud
'Cause I'm in too deep and I need a way out
You're the only way out

[Verse 2: Andrew Taggart]
You were always more than a friend to me
Baby, pull me closer than your enemies
And if you gotta lie, do it beside of me, oh, oh
You're the only one who sees me honestly
Love don't last forever, so promise me
That you'll come on over and get high with me, oh, oh

[Pre-Chorus: Andrew Taggart]
I know you're getting tired of this
And I know you never asked for it

[Chorus: Andrew Taggart & Chloe George]
But I'm in too deep and I need a way out
You're the only way out (Only way out)
So please just say you're coming over right now
Come over right now (Over right now)
Take you back to my hometown
Make my parents proud (Eh, eh, eh)
'Cause I'm in too deep and I need a way out
You're the only way out (You're the only way out, yeah)

[Post-Chorus: Chloe George]

[Outro: Chloe George]

The Chainsmokers - In Too Deep tekst piosenki

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In Too Deep

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In Too Deep

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki In Too Deep
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku In Too Deep tekst piosenki The Chainsmokers
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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