Tekst piosenki: Erase The Chainsmokers feat. Priyanka Chopra

The Chainsmokers - Erase (feat. Priyanka Chopra)

Tekst piosenki Erase

Another week ends since you've been gone
It doesn't feel like it's been that long
But I guess it gets better everyday
Yeah, Yeah

My head is heavy my mind is numb
I found myself in a stranger's arms cause
I just want to make it fade away
Yeah, Yeah

My heart is a broken machine
Need you to come set me free
Keep on playing the music baby
Keep on playing the music baby

My heart has been cold as nights
I feel it come back to life
Keep on playing the music baby
It's all that's getting me through this baby

Erase Erase Erase
Erase Erase Erase (Take it all away)
Erase Erase Erase
Erase Erase Erase (Take it all away)

I see you calling, I don't respond
And now I feel like I'm right where I belong
And I am ready for a change
Yeah, Yeah

What doesn't kill me will make me strong
Just turn it up, nothing's wrong cause
I can just keep dancing through the pain
Yeah, Yeah

My heart is a broken machine
Need you to come set me free
Keep on playing the music baby
Keep on playing the music baby

My heart has been cold as nights
I feel it come back to life
Keep on playing the music baby
It's all that's getting me through this baby

Erase Erase Erase
Erase Erase Erase (Take it all away)
Erase Erase Erase
Erase Erase Erase (Take it all away)

I wanna dance till I can't feel nothing at all
I wanna dance till I can't feel nothing
Erase Erase Erase Erase (Take it all away)
I wanna dance till I can't feel nothing at all
I wanna dance till I can't feel nothing (Yeah)

My heart is a broken machine
Need you to come set me free
Keep on playing the music baby
Keep on playing the music baby

My heart has been cold as nights
I feel it come back to life
Keep on playing the music baby
It's all that's getting me through this baby

Erase Erase Erase Erase (Take it all away)
I wanna dance till I can't feel nothing at all
I wanna dance till I can't feel nothing

Priyanka Chopra & The Chainsmokers - Erase tekst piosenki

The Chainsmokers & Priyanka Chopra - Erase tekstowo Erase The Chainsmokers Erase słowa

Teledysk do piosenki

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Erase
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Erase tekst piosenki The Chainsmokers feat. Priyanka Chopra
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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