Tekst piosenki Count On My Love
[Verse]No, it's not a problem if you want me
No, it's not a problem if you can
No, it's not a problem that you're lonely
No, it's not a problem, no, no, babe
'Cause my love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love
Gives the answer to your prayers
'Cause my love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love
Gives the answer to your prayers
Count on my love
Count on my kisses, your wishes, my bliss, I have nothing to prove
Count on my love
Only my kiss can do this, don't rеsist what you know to be true
Count on my love, lovе, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, oh, oh
Count on my love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, oh, oh
Ooh, all of my love's for real
Ooh, all of my love's for real
No, it's not a problem if you want me
No, it's not a problem if you care
No, it's not a problem that you're lonely
No, it's not a problem, no, no, yeah
'Cause my love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love
Gives the answer to your prayer
'Cause my love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love
Gives the answer to your prayer
Hey, y'all better make some noise for the blessed one up here tonight
Y'all better make some motherfuckin' noise for returning this shit home
Count on my love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, oh
Count on my love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, oh
Ooh, all of my love's for real
Ooh, all of my love's for real
Ooh, all of my love's for real
Ooh, all of my love's for real
Ooh, all of my love's for real
Ooh, all of my love's for real
Hey, y'all better make some noise for the blessed one up here tonight
Y'all better make some motherfuckin' noise for returning this shit home
The Blessed Madonna, Daniel Wilson and Kon - Count On My Love Tekst piosenki
Count On My Love w wykonaniu The Blessed Madonna, Daniel Wilson & Kon - Count On My Love tekstowo Kon & The Blessed Madonna, Daniel Wilson - Count On My Love o czym jest piosenka Count On My Love The Blessed Madonna, Daniel Wilson & Kon Count On My Love słowa The Blessed Madonna, Daniel Wilson & Kon - Count On My Love Text The Blessed Madonna, Daniel Wilson & Kon - Count On My Love lyrics The Blessed Madonna, Daniel Wilson & Kon - Count On My Love TekstAlbum: Godspeed (2024)
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Count On My Love
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