Tekst piosenki: Simply the Best The Black Eyed Peas

Tekst piosenki Simply the Best

Aah yeah, check it out, this is it, bet you won't, bet you won't, bet you will, not forget it, 'cause it don't, get better than, better than this, no it don't, get better than, better than this.
Aah yeah, this is it, bet you won't, bet you won't, bet you will, not forget it, 'cause it won't, get better than, better than this, no it don't, no it don't, get better than this.
Simply the best, simply the best.
Simply the best, simply the best.
Simply the best, simply the best.

El dueño de la, tierra subió a marte, y no me ven ni, por telescopio, demasiado alto, ninguno lo copió.
Lo que los extraterrestres, están haciendo, yo lo copio ¿Te volviste loco? ¿Te fumaste un pate de opio?
Tiene que respetar leyenda, son leyenda, pida perdón, que su palabra, es una mierda, tremendo guaremante.
Destapa aguacate, dale una galleta, a un gernal, pa que te mate, ahh.

This shit right here, baby this shit right here.
This that shit that I want to hear, it's that hit, that hit of the year.
Got me livin' on the top top tier, can't stop, won't stop, no fear.
Make my drink disappear, make the glass go clink clink cheers.

We're about to break the la, la la law, buy up the bar, the bar the bar the bar bar.
We gonna rompe with Anitta, I swear to God, I swear to Allah, ahhh.
Esto esto, es lo mejor, esto esto, es lo mejor, esto esto, es lo major, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, mira.

Aah yeah, check it out, this is it, bet you won't, bet you won't, bet you will, not forget it, 'cause it don't, get better than, better than this, no it don't, get better than, better than this.
Aah yeah, this is it, bet you won't, bet you won't, bet you will, not forget it, 'cause it won't, get better than, better than this, no it don't, no it don't, get better than this.
Simply the best, simply the best.
Simply the best, simply the best.
Simply the best, simply the best.

Tu eres un palo de, fósforo mojao, tu no prende, tu movie no se ve, ni que la rende un jefe.
De verdura por, dinero no se vende, pa' tu toque un pary tiene que esperar a diciembre.
Diablo, que maldita olla caliente, a presión marca royal? Yo tengo mas granos, que una lata de guandules de la goya, que vengan to que, El Alfa lo degolla.
I want this and not nothin' less, all that BS, put that to rest.
Put that to rest, I be living life to the fullest, that's my definition of blessed.
Negative, step to the left, primitive, step to the left, I'll be steppin' right to the higher lever.
Stepping with giant steps, and if I fall, la la la la la, I'll get up and keep standing tall.
I keep blocking all of em haters, like I'm Koreem Abdul-Jabbar, you rockin' with the best, oh yes for sure, we stay fresh international.
And if you don't know, we gonna let you know, tell em in español.
We say, esto, e lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, lo mejor, mira.

Aah yeah, check it out, this is it, bet you won't, bet you won't, bet you will, not forget it, 'cause it don't, get better than, better than this, no it don't, get better than, better than this.
Aah yeah, this is it, bet you won't, bet you won't, bet you will, not forget it, 'cause it won't, get better than, better than this, no it don't, no it don't, get better than this.
Simply the best, simply the best.
Simply the best, simply the best.
Simply the best, simply the best.

The Black Eyed Peas - Simply the Best Tekst piosenki

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Simply the Best

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